We love music...
and that is the driving force that brought fifty50studios into being. Well, that and a collective dislike of neck ties. In any case, fifty50 is here and it is our sincere hope to become a valuable resource for local, regional, and national artists and to encourage and document the wealth of creativity that will shape the Dallas music scene in the years to come.
As musicians ourselves, we certainly understand the challenges faced by many individuals working to maintain a career or even a hobby within the music industry. Studio time can be expensive and with the vast majority of artists self-financing their efforts, we want to make sure we're doing what we can to keep professional quality recording, mixing, and mastering within reach of the up-and-comers and hard workers that make up the lion's share of our industry.
But just because our rates are actually affordable, doesn't mean you have to sacrifice on quality. We'd happily put our work up against anyone in town so don't make the mistake of thinking of us as a budget studio, because really, we're a first-rate studio that just happens to fit your budget.
Thanks and we hope to see you soon!
Todd Cotham